Monday, August 9, 2010

Romantic dinner?

we're both in college. she's coming over Saturday. my parents are going on a cruise tomorrow. i'm gonna propose next week in disney world too... but saturday, like I said, parents are gonna be gone and i want 2 make her a romantic dinner. something delicious and fairly simple. I already have a bottle of wine for us. what can i make? i know how to cook steak, but I don't know if it's romantic or not. Here's where I can shop. local grocery stores or wal-mart. I need a meal and romantic dessert. maybe chocolote strawberreis or strawberries and champagne, like in pretty woman... lol! anyways. help me out please!Romantic dinner?
Pasta Carbonara made with real cream is very simple, and a natural aphrodesiac (You can add mushrooms, fresh bacon bits and/or diced chicken to make it more palatable for her tastes). Also, learn to make homeade cocoa - the stimulant of stimulants, if you know what I mean. She'll never catch on - it's a smooth-a-palooza!

I checked the net for recipes - they blow. It goes like this -

1 pound cooked pasta (linguine preferred, but even angel hair is okay)

3 eggs

1 cup heavy cream

1 cup parmesean cheese

2 tablespoons black pepper

Cook pasta al dente - whisk remaining ingredients in a large serving bowl. Add pasta, toss - you're done. Additions? (See above)Romantic dinner?
A very light pasta dish might be easy bec fancy filled pastas like tortellini, etc are easy to find these days. They're easy to make, don't require a lot of sides, are filling for a small amount and won't make a mess. Ive seen some cheese filled spinach tortellini or ravioli that I thought looked pretty good. Just boil it up, toss over some very carefully chosen sauce, a little freshly grated parmesan, a bottle of wine, a loaf of bread and there you go.
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