Monday, August 9, 2010

How to cook steak?

I like Steak on its own, Not played with, No Sauce Barbaqued to Medium Rare with only Salt and Pepper.

That is the best way to cook steak.How to cook steak?
Marinate steak in olive oil %26amp; chopped basil for 1/2 - 1 hr., fry in heavy skillet on high heat to sear in juices, season w/ rock salt %26amp; pepper to taste, turn only once, either lower heat or finish in oven. Minced garlic can be added at any point. Serve w/ steamed Asparagus %26amp; Garlic French Bread %26amp; Green Salad. Caesar or Balsamic Vinegar dressing w/ grated Romano on top. Bon Apetit! Nice Cabernet Sauvignon. You can use anything from top sirloin, New York, Or Porterhouse. Cast iorn skillet the best or any heavy skillet to hold even heat. ( I think I know what I'm making for dinner tonite, I'm using Top Sirloin 'cause I can't afford Porterhouse, even cross rib steak is excellent!) Sliced. sauteed or steamed carrots r a good vegie w/ butter. Or Cauliflower onions, broc steamed w/ melted jack or swiss cheese.How to cook steak?
salt %26amp; pepper cook it hot and cook it fast!
Always start with the steak at room temperature.

There are several ways to cook it ... grill, broiler, pan fry etc. But, no matter which method you choose make sure the surface on which you will be placing the steak is HOT, really hot. Sear each side fro about two minutes.

Then depending on the thickness of the steak, and how ell done you want it, you will want to continue cooking it for 3 - 6 minutes per side.
Hi it really depends on what type of steak you are cooking and how you like it,if it's rump or fillet i usually grill or quick fry for only a few minutes with some garlic,then sometimes i may add a peppercorn sauce,if it's stewing or braising steak that needs to be done very slowly,on the hob or in the oven on a low heat for 2 to 3 hours,i usually add veg etc to the stewing steak with knorr stock cubes,about 4 and fill a large pan with water,braisingi do in a casserole dish in the oven with just onions,but add some cornflour to both to thicken it up,hope this is of some help happy cooking,Kathy
grilled steak
on a grill plain and simple 4 min on one side then flip 4 min on the other... longer or shorter time depending how you like your steak... and depending on how thick it is as well. as far as seasoning goes you dont need much more than garlic powder and a little salt that way you can taste the meat!
Well how do you like it ? More details for the correct answer .. Rather for the answer you want ..

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